During the last 2 weeks, Seth has made quite a fair bit of improvement in his motor skills. He knows how to wave, goodbye, blow flying kisses, clap his hands, stick his tongue out when I said, "show me your teeth!" (suppose to show the teeth lar! But he keeps showing his tongue!) The fun part is he loves to clap hands. He will give you a very happy face, clapping away. Naturally, Seth is a happy baby. I would always lighten up when I see his happy face. Such a dear dear darling boy to Olive Tree and me.
Just last Thursday, Seth finally pooped, after 5 days of no passing motion. He was wailing so loudly in the early morning when we were getting ready to go to work. Olive Tree was the one that changed his diaper and shouted, "Dear, Ah Boy anus got blood and it's a lot!" I had such a shock! We could not bear to see our darling boy in suffering and we decided to bring him to see Dr. Ong at SBCC, TMC. Seth was ok after he managed to poop, with assistance. We got his legs apart, I almost wanna pull his shit out but Seth was pushing away and out came the long and big shit. Thank GOD!
We had to wait for 2 hrs plus to see Dr. Ong. He said that Seth has an anus tear and asked us to apply ointment. He gave us medication of oral lactose fluid, enema type of sticks for emergency used, insert into Seth's buttock. What a day we spent at TMC.
We prayed that Seth gonna be drinking lots of fluid and fiber-enriched food more wellingly (currently his hate list includes, brown rice, apple juice, avocado to name a few)
After Thursday, we started to wean Seth off his night feeds base on Dr. Ong's advice. It was a very trying period for 3 of us. At this age, Seth is very vocal. He'll wailed, shouted and what you can think of, to get attention. However, I stayed out of the master bedroom and have Olive Tree take care of Seth. On 2nd day and 3rd day, he slept longer, probably woke up 1 time.
However, just now, when I finished nursing him, he still wants me to comfort him! I could not do that as I don't wanna confuse him. Olive Tree came into the Playroom and asked me to nurse Seth, said he wanted milk. He just left Seth with me and said, "you nurse him to sleep first then I take over." Really got me upset with that comment. Indeed, after the nursing and unlatch, Seth cried so hysterically, Olive Tree came in. He took over. I went out. Seth was still crying. I was pissed and refuse to get out of the chair and check him up. Since it's Olive Tree's idea, and the idea didn't work, he better go and handle a very very angry baby. I have yet to talk to Olive Tree on not confusing Seth when it's nursing time.
Ok, struggling to keep my eyes open. IF there are loads of typo erros, means I am really overtired. I have only managed to sleep very early (4-5am) almost everyday. :(
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