Yes, BB Seth has 2 budding teeth on his lower gum. It's about time that his teeth making their grand appearance. Previously, he has been uncomfortable due to the teething process and waking up by the hour or so... Now that the budding teeth are out, it should be better for him. I have actually took a few of the big mouth laughing and revealing his teeth but alas! My new purchase SD Card failed me when I was snapping myself happy at the zoo on Monday! URRRGH! So, praying hard and God bless that the photos I've snapped in the zoo can be retrieved and be return to me. (**P) I am very upset and went down to TwinMOS Service centre on Wednesday to get it exchanged. It's not so much that I can get another new card but the precious, timeless photos that I took in the zoo (as it has been ages, you know, since I last visit the zoo). Especially I've captured some of Seth super adorable laughters. Double URRRGH! Anyway, I managed to capture another of BB Seth big mouth laughter shot in the car. See his budding teeth??
Ok, back here, the week passed with happy outing at the zoo with a tired and aching me, at the end of the day. Have not walked so much in the nature.... I really need exercise. Oh, yes, and the interview I went, good news. The HR called me on Monday evening and informed me of a positive outcome. The Director, (soon to be boss), called me on Thursday evening, to have a short chat with me and said that he'll not require me for 2nd interview but just pre-amp me and share with me the job's requirements and preparation I should made when I start the new job. It's nice of him to share with me these stuffs. HR said will email me the offer package and I am still waiting faithfully for the email to come through. I got to get myself prepared, mentally. It's another round of adapting to the working life again. Especially after having stopped work for quite sometime. Moreover, now I have BB Seth..... I have to be stronger and try not to miss BB Seth too much... how to accomplish that, I don't know. When the time comes, I guess I will know how to juggle being a working mother full time. Will talk more about work next time, if I have the mood to blog about it.

Now that BB Seth is approaching 9 months, he starts to do all sort of dangerous stunts and also being a very great risk taker. Hiaz... I can't help, rather both and Olive Tree can't help but try our best to coach him to get down from our bed. He has fallen a few times already. The latest fall was related to the side table. He fell and was not wailing out loud. It was mom and BB Seth at home when the incident took place. I sent Olive Tree to work on Friday. Mom had such a fright. I can't imagine the awkward position this little guy is in..... He creeps around the house more often and also exploring the rooms now. He will pull himself in standing position with support. Besides that, his favourite pink panther nature is, pulling out drawers and go over the things in the boxes. How to control such behavior? Knowing that he is super duper explorative. He is still a young baby but so so active and adventurous. I can't imagine his walking stage..... totally unthinkable!

Over the weekend, we went to Centrepoint and Holland Village, after my classes. I was so bored with no SB magazines to read, so I have to get my dosage of new ideas from the Holland Village newsstand. Glad that I've got 2 magazines that are able to curb my boredom..... I like to read
Scrapbook etc. (introduce by Clara). Besides that, I like
Scrapbook Answers. Recent purchase got me to like the Australia publisher's
Scrapbook Creations. There are a varieties of great SB magazines out there. But my pocket can only accommodate so much. If I may, I would be subscribing to
Creating Keepsakes. Hmmmm...shall wait and see... So much about the intention of the Holland Village visit. I will have to say, the food at Thai Express is not too bad except for the very MSG filled dishes that got me on a drinking spurt when I got home! Nice staffs and they love to play with BB Seth....
I should be more consistent in updating my blog especially now, I can't be remembering all the details of BB Seth growing milestones. I will make it a point and jot down in my brain notebook.
Technorati Tags: blessedseth, milestone, teething