It wasn't my imagination and I have confirmed it with Olive Tree, BB Seth called me Mummy this morning, in the wee hours when he was crying for me to nurse him. Somehow, it was an erratical sleep pattern that he was in as he keeps waking up at every 1-2hrs! Gosh! I am beat! Thank God, we turned in really early at 9pm, as Olive Tree and I went for a DnD on Friday night and returned home at midnight. So, we did not rest well and I had to teach on Saturday morning till afternoon. I am totally bushed after my 4 classes (Going to tahan for another 9 weeks!!!)
The feeling of hearing your our child calling you mummy is indescribable. You have to personally experience it then you'll know. So now, whenever BB Seth cries for me, I'll gladly pick him up and show my gleaming face, haha!! Cos I am called, "Mummy" (**,)
Watch the Dinner & Dance event I've went over
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