When you thought that the day is going to be sunny. It started to rain again around 2pm. Heavy downpour. Praying hard that tomorrow is going to be sunny and nice. As I would be bringing Seth for
SITEX '05. Don't want a weather to dampened a techie mommy bringing her little prince for his first ever techie exhibition. (",)
I had done some editing on the photos that I've took of Ryan and Seth last week. I miss the photoshop so much. Going back using
Graphic Converter, makes me feel so handicapped. Imagine, an effect that I can create with Photoshop in less than a minute, takes half and hour to achieve with Graphic Converter. Maybe I am dumb or still not able to explore a better work around, but time is the essence for me! I don't have the luxury of time to do editing since I have to juggle little prince and editing. Putting on hold Seth's photos selection for prints development as I have to edit prior the development. I don not want the prints company to crop to undesirable margins of my photos and I grumble non stop. The nature of a perfectionist.

Seth has been training his vocal cords lately. Screaming, shouting, "speaking in tongue". He is very expressive, I can tell you. Just like his mommy. He is good acrobatically. Now he manage to hold his right leg upwards so that he is able to suck his big toe! Amazing feat! If only our sit and reach starts from babyhood, we'll never fail our nafa test. If you ever get a kick from Seth, know that it's gonna be really painful. Because this little prince learnt his kick boxing while still in mommy's tummy. I would love to start his gross motor skills routine with him soon. It'll be fun to have him do more. We are still getting him to roll back by himself when he is in the prone position. Seth will roll very quickly onto prone position but when he is tired from that position, he'll want to roll back but doesn't know how to do it yet by himself. He did roll twice today which I saw but I guess the terrain is to his advantage that is why he did it. Olive Tree said I did not train him enough. What a remark?!

I ever said that Seth will be loved so much by everybody. Indeed he does. Passerby play and talk to him, all aunties and uncles find him fun and cuddly. Guess it's like that with all baby. A Natural attractive, a magnetic force. Jaslyn, especially loves to hold him. She will smile from eye to eye, seeing Seth. We had tea last week and it was quality time spent. We'll see Jaslyn again tomorrow as we are going to the exhibition together. After
Jaslyn and Derrick got married, it seems that we have so much more to share and the time we spent together became frequent. It's priceless on the issues and heart to heart talks we touch on and listen to each other out. Now, Jaslyn has come to realize that married friends can relate better with her present status.
I would say, "more to come...gal."
Technorati Tags: blessedseth, mommy's tot, techie mommy