Nothing like spending quality time with your kid.
Learning to play the Rubik's Cube
Grace's Cheeky Look.
First for Grace in her Swimsuit. Getting a bit small to fit on her though. hahahaha!
Will post more of the trip photos to my Flickr account.
I need to be really discipline to update the milestones of the kids. Otherwise they will surely be forgotten when the time passes by.
Grace started to wave bye-bye when she's almost 8 months. The adorable part of it is, when she waves, she will then clap her hands, as if praising herself that she waves bye-bye.
Indeed when you have repetition actions, words with your babies, they will learn really fast.
She started off learning how to clap her hands when I was singing to her, clap, clap clap your hands when we are traveling in the car. That was when she's 7 months old and after a few session, she grasped the action and I am amazed she managed to clap without missing the hands.
Grace begins to call ma-ma when she's about 7 months old too. She's one fierce gal when she cries. Seeing all
her tears rolling, screaming and also quivering lower lips, really breaks the heart. Geez,
Seth, the singer at home. Day in and out, he sings and talks and talks. Now, he is able to also play with his animals and do imaginary talk with them. Sometimes, it's so comical to see him talk to his animals in an adult manner.
I've started to do painting with him. He enjoys the session and hope that he'll pick up the interest and come to love to draw. Though he is still unable to really write well, he loves to do scribbling here and there. His pincher grip is good and able to hold the pencil quite well. I always enjoy seeing him in full concentration when he writes on the paper.
Ok, time to get ready, A long day at work. :( This week onwards there will be loads of things to be settled.I am so looking forward to June. :)
These are some of the photos taken when we were on vacation at Sentosa. It was quite a fun time for both Seth and Grace. Though we didn't manage to get both of them in the pool, but we manage to get them into the bath-tub and swim together. :)
