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Eat with your family day

Guess it's not practice in every company, but today is the "Eat with your Family Day" It's also the starting of a the National Family Celebration 2008 for the children school holidays falling on 24th May-28 June. This day, the fathers are encourage to cook at least one dish for the family. HA! That's definitely a plus for the daddys to do something for the kids which is out of the ordinary.

Olive Tree and I get to knock off early, as early as him, at 4.30pm and mine, 5.00pm. However, we have a different plan. I dated him out instead as I felt that we have not been having any more dates for a long long time. Since having the grandma and helper to take care of the kids, we caught a movie at Toa Payhoh Eng Wah. It's not Indiana Jones or Iron Man that we've watched. :) I've chosen Made of Honour. It's gonna be a date, right?! A simple romantic movie creates the mood for us! It's an enjoyable show, the theatre has less than 10 movie goers! I love the sound track. This genre of movie always makes me feel very light hearted and also the simplicity of the story line are more in tune with our relationship with our partner. The story line is pretty much like "My Best Friend's Wedding". So if you have enjoyed watching that, you would like this as well.

There was this little accident that happened, I put the bag of unfinished popcorns on the arms rest of the vacant chair and alas! The whole bag fell and almost all the popcorns dropped out! GEEEZ. I felt so bad having created a mess for the cleaner and left at my carelessness.

After the movie, we had a subway dinner. Was telling Olive Tree that we should do this dating night more frequently, as we can have our own time, getting a breather from the kids as well as keeping the little sparks in our relationship. ehehehe... I believed he does feel the same. I was telling him I felt like we are young again, and always smiling all the way, holding each others' hands (not holding the kids), cuddling and all. It was a great night.

We fetched the kids at 8.30pm, and headed home.

Here's a couple of Layouts I did over the two weeks. One which I did last night after being inspired by my crop buddy's creation. :)
a case of jealousy
a case of jealousy

Used: Scarlet Lime Kit - MM Noteworthy, 5th Ave PPs, MM & HS Alpha Stickers, Cosmo Cricket Black Board, 7g book clip

daddy's gal
daddy's gal

Used: MM Noteworthy 5th Ave PP, Cardstock Stickers, 7g Gaffer Tape, Scarlet Lime Clear Acrylic Stamp and Tag and handmade flowers.

Remember, the National Family Celebrations 08 starts tomorrow! Go here for a calendar of events, discounts for outings, entertainment,dining. Remember to show this to entitle for the discounts. :)
Have a great weekend!


Anonymous said…
Yup, yup... must go on dates more often la. :) It's important too... the other day, we left the kids at home and went out for dinner. Dun worry, Switzerland very safe. LOL!

Great layouts, so good to see your posts always. Miss ya!

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