So lack of updates lately. Of course, reason being I am too lazy to blog and tell what's happening as I am so sleep deprived, overwhelmed with work (trying to clear and clear), into my 40 weeks of pregnancy is very challenging as I am so heavy now. I can feel so breathless at times..... :( I want to do things, scrap, sew, what have you but the body is weak. God has been good. Comparing to last few weeks, this week I am more fruitful at work, I managed to list down the major outstanding tasks, follow-ups and logged in POs, cleared my tender submission. This list of o/s works will be sent to my boss, will be surrendering my laptop to my boss so he can access my work and emails. It'll be good for me as well as I don't have to burden with work when I am in my maternity. Great to hear from boss that I can go on leave starting monday!!! Better than nothing lor.
Went to visit Adrian today. As usual, my super duper joker gynae, makes my stressful mind relax. The good thing about Adrian is he will chat up with you, and offer his views on pregnancy, shares his knowledge and his read-ups. Also, he even can advice on my work matters.... Ultrasound scan today shown Grace is already 3.28kg! Amazing arh! Adrian is a bit concern as I am smaller in frame. He would hope that Grace will come and say hi to everyone this weekend..... as he said, bigger baby correlates to a harder birthing experience. So hor, asked me to talk to Grace lor. Roughly gauge, I think Grace would probably be born with 3.5kg birth weight. Grace is already engaged. She looks chubby and seems to have Seth's nose by looking at the U/S scan. The cute thing is everytime we see her in the U/S Scan, she's like suckling....
Oh, my neighbor who had EDD almost nearer to me have already given birth to her beautiful daughter on Wednesday. Gosh!!! So blessed. Baby weighs 3.2kg. Guess my neighbor would be home tomorrow already... while I am tapping my fingers awaiting for labour.....
Tomorrow would be the last day of work for me. Got to clear as much as possible. Nitty Gritty stuffs, I guess I have to let go. Boh Pian. Felt bad that I owe my contractors some outstanding POs. :( Anyway, boss has asked me to go back in Nov as he said he wanna take a break as well..... aiyo.... that's my worse fear lor. But then again, I told him I would let him know after my 1 month maternity leave.
Technorati Tags: ourblessedseth, Pregnancy
Time flies, you are giving birth soon. Must sms me ah.
Wish you a smooth delivery.