So happy to see my 2nd elder bro, Jon getting married on 23rd Dec. It was a joyous occasion which was celebrated by close families and friends. Took lots of photoes and hopefully they are up to mark for the newly weds. Their Wedding is going to be held on 18th March 2007.

Seth had a tremendous time at the beach front restaurant. The very busy boy was spotted with a pink floral top. He ran up and down the ramp, laughters resounding when seeing his god-sis jumping up and down, trying to get the helium filled balloons from the ceiling. The kids were happily releasing most of the helium filled balloons up into the sky. It's not everytime, we get to do that, isn't it? Can see that my mom and Marg's mom is getting along pretty well and chatted happily. First time, we met the family of Marg. They were such nice people and with such humility. The daddy is very smily too. Jon's so blessed with a beautiful wife who is so friendly and loving towards him and the family. May they enjoy the blissful marriage and also holding each other tight in spending the rest of their lives together.

I always love Christmas. It's all about sharing the love and celebrating the birth of Jesus. The wonderful unselfish gift that God has given us. It's the greatest gift we can ever have. I love it also, it's a time for families to get together, spending time, simple dinner and laughters. Kids enjoying themselves with games, and presents opening. This is Seth's 2nd Xmas with us. He was only 6 months old last year and did not really know how to really enjoy himself. This year, he has such great fun with the cousins, food and more food. Junk food! hahahah.. Seeing him helping himself to the chips got me cracked up! Slow me didn't manage to capture the funny faces of his.
He managed to stay up as late as 1am! At 15mins to 12midnight, he is really grouchy. I quickly get the presents ready to be distributed to the guests and kids so that Seth can have his pressies too. As I've guessed right, he was totally engrossed in his new ride! I bet you can see it in the photos here. :D He can't wait to get into the coupe that he snuggled himself in before the whole wrapper was tear away. Such a comical scene that all of us had a good laugh.

There after, He is in his own world. No matter how we called him and told him to open the rest of the pressies. He simply refuse to acknowledge us! He just wanna be in his ride. Aiyo.... What a fabulous gift that his dad got him. The disappointing part of the pressie he received was the one that I got him. I bought a laptop for him and it malfunctioned. HIAZ!!!! I've got to find ways to go back to Toy's R Us and get the thing fixed or exchanged. The kiddie laptop wasn't cheap whor! Anyway, thanks to all the uncles and aunties for the nice and fabulous gifts you've got for Seth and us. We love them loads.
Technorati Tags: Celebrate, Christmas