I love the photo paper of Kodak that I've bought recently at Cold Storage. 20 Pcs of A4 for SGD9.90! WOW! The colors came out so fabulously! :) I must say nowadays, I only go for paper weight of 230gms (at least) and heavier, so that it's easier to distress (Sanding). So please with this investment!
We went to Vivo City again on Tuesday. Just to complete the Level 1 and Basement shopping. (Previously, we only combed through Level 3 and 2). It's not really that big but very crowded. Met the super ugly Singaporeans who have no manners and always cut queues....Sianz.
I lost my mobile phone. Guess no point accounting how I got it lost/stolen. If the post is still around, you can find it here.
I am suppose to complete my Executive Summary for a Tender submission tomorrow, but totally no mojo to write. Knocked off work at 10yish and then went to mom's place to pick up the guys. By the time I came home, it's 11.30pm! Aiyo, tired sia! Why I always have to work so late? I am super incompetent? My lamentation can be as long as the Book of Job! ("O) The best part I have today, was to have time spent with Jas during lunch and catching up on our lives and sharing.... It's priceless fellowship.
I better hit the sack asap, since I did not manage to complete my Exec Summary, got to go office early tomorrow. The only thing I look forward to is next week, when the big Tender closed. Then I will take a day leave.....rest....and scrapathlon shall start!!! (BWHAHAHA!)
Here's sharing more of cheeky Seth!
Have you seen such a sad look before while bubbles are blown?
I would advice to go after Grand Opening, 1st Dec 2006. Too darn crowded with time spent just on squeezing out from the crowd!
Here is a happy boy.....
Technorati Tags: ourblessedseth, mommy's rants