Just when you thought you survived the mid week and wished that everything would goes on smoothly and you could enjoy your holiday, your eldest brother called and shout into your ears at the early morning when you are about to kick start a hard day's work. He just slash you continuously leaving you with no counter attack to his knife sharp words! He couldn't be bothered if you are stressing out and stress you even further to be a responsible daughter, to forego the "simple pleasure" you need, and opt to sponsor the so long overdue furniture set for your mom. As if, you never take notice of the incessant requests by mom to get that furniture set changed???? However, can I say that if I have to forego the "simple pleasure" of traveling to short trip, can he sacrifice that 42" LCD TV that he has ordered and use that to pay for the furniture set instead? Anyway, his kids won't have time to watch TV with the piles of homework on their desks that are comparable to the auditor's table.
Nonsense and can't be bothered when he spoilt my entire day's mood with the loud bang! No excuse to do that to me when he can blah blah to his younger brother. As the saying goes, married out daughter, is like pour out water!"
When I though I could be more relax going home, Olive Tree has to test my patience to the limits. With repeatedly, 3 times of me saying, "auntie came liao, wanna tear coupon!" He has brushed me off as never mind let it be, while we walked back home from car park. Only when I said," if you have $30 to spare, please give me!" Then he passed me the keys??
What the F@$*! I have to walked all the way up the multi-storey car park to tear the coupon, with the darn painful feet in the not alright heels. Aching body that's sat in the office to clear the backlog paperworks only to eat dinner at 9pm???
what do men think with, either they have pea brain ass, or they can only think with their willies......