When I am happy, i guess I look like BB Seth in this photo. Hee...Isn't he soooooo super adorable!? We were at Kopitiam having our family breakfast when I snapped this photo.
I had a good mail day. That's why I am happy. Will post up what's in my mail.
What a fruitful day, again for me! (**,) I received a call from TwinMOS around noon time, telling that they have retrieved the photos from the faulty SD card. WOW! I was overjoyed!
Intended to meet Olive Tree at 4.30pm and then we go shop for a playpen for BB Seth. So, I left home around 4pm, with BB Seth tagging along. I can't wait to get back my photos, so I went down to Burlington Square and got my photos back. After that, went to SLS for a walk. Doing my research on Dopod 818 Pro and realized that the 3rd party software for sync Windows Mobile 5.0 to Mac is still not avail in SG. What a wet blanket. Then I went to SGL to check out the APPLECare pack they are carrying, as previously MS Lee quoted me $480 for 2 years of APPLECare but has sold out! URRRGH! Anyway, my mood wasn't dampen much.
I left Burlington at 5 plus and went to pick Olive Tree up from office. We managed to get a very reasonably well built, good design and not too expensive Playpen for BB Seth. Guess what, I met my good friend's mom at the Baby Kingdom! She's working there as a Sales! wow! So we bought the Playpen from her, and she can get a bit of commission.
So, I guess the photos speak a thousands words on why I am happy today.
I had a good mail day. That's why I am happy. Will post up what's in my mail.
Intended to meet Olive Tree at 4.30pm and then we go shop for a playpen for BB Seth. So, I left home around 4pm, with BB Seth tagging along. I can't wait to get back my photos, so I went down to Burlington Square and got my photos back. After that, went to SLS for a walk. Doing my research on Dopod 818 Pro and realized that the 3rd party software for sync Windows Mobile 5.0 to Mac is still not avail in SG. What a wet blanket. Then I went to SGL to check out the APPLECare pack they are carrying, as previously MS Lee quoted me $480 for 2 years of APPLECare but has sold out! URRRGH! Anyway, my mood wasn't dampen much.
So, I guess the photos speak a thousands words on why I am happy today.
Technorati Tags: blessedseth, Digital Scrapbooking, Seth