Read from an article,
"During pregnancy, learning and memory skills improve dramatically, say researchers, reversing the popular myth that it is a time of dumbing down. Key brain areas also alter in size; changes that can persist for decades. Far from transforming mothers into weakened emotional wrecks who lose car keys and drop in IQ, it turns out having children makes them cleverer. It's just hard to spot thanks to all that lost sleep."
Read about it.
Isn't it amazing to be cleverer by just giving birth. HA! I thought somehow, after giving birth, mothers tends to get absent minded. Or purely we try to shut our minds off from the things around us. Hmmm..... So that we concentrate on our darlings.
Talking about our darlings, BB Seth was erratic last night. Hiaz. I put him to bed at 9.30pm. Did the usual routine and he slept, after Olive Tree went in to pat him. Since Olive Tree said his darling boy will sleep after the pat. Ok lor, I let him be. Who knows, at 10.30pm, BB Seth woke up and cried. Thinking that he probably is hungry since I fed him at 8pm, I gave him his last feed. I don't know if it's a mistake to have breast fed him. Cause after that, he woke up every 1.5-2 hrs again!? Hiaz....I am draining. I had a running nose and getting on my nerves. Trying to have a good rest so the flu will get away. With BB Seth constant waking moments. I tak boleh tahan! I went to the other room and hide from him when he woke up at 1 am. He cried for 15-20 minutes then fell asleep with Olive Tree patting again.
He's very whining today. Whole day whine here and there. URRRGH! But still, he is our darling boy. I fed him 2 meals today. First meal being unsuccessful as he refused the brown rice cooked with soup made from carrots and potatoes. Actually the taste wasn't as bad. I think he dislikes the texture of the brown rice.
Second meal was his favourite, pumpkin. He finished it instantly, though with tiredness in him. Makes me happy.
Technorati Tags: BlessedSeth, Mighty Champion, Mommy rants