Having been through 2005 with great adventure, like giving birth to BB Seth. (hmmm...was telling Olive Tree that was the biggest accomplishment I had for 2005) I was being kinda moody though after New Year's Eve party at Derick & Jas's. Just full of bad thoughts and such. Probably due to PMS. (Post Mense Syndrome in this case) We reached home at quarter to 11 and then got BB Seth to sleep. After which I bathed and sat in front of my lappy, browsing away. I was not even interested to watch the countdown telecast on TV. Olive Tree was watching TV and I guessed he dozed off on the couch and only woke up 15 mins passed 12 midnight and then came into play room, gave me a goodnight kiss, went to bed. (**,)

I was really sullen even in the NEW YEAR DAY morning. Having to think of what 2006 entails for me. Of course, getting a full time job is a priority, a top priority. A job that I would love doing and performing at my best. Olive Tree sensed my moodiness and initiated a morning breakfast outing which only takes place around 11 plus as I was delaying. We went to IKEA wanting to eat at the restaurant but was so crowded! End up, having Burger King instead. I tried to perk myself up and not the moods get the better of me. So I shopped and talked. We finally decided to get a shelving for storing of BB Seth's stuffs in our room. Present layout was not at all "designer look" and it was all over the place. Will post up the before and after picture of the new shelving when we are done with the work.
Seth is really active and I guess he starts to develop a little of
separation anxiety. Hope it will not get any bad as he is really a happy boy and enjoys company. The separation anxiety happens only when he can't see anyone around him, he needs company la! But then I have to do chores and stuffs, so can't always be by his side. Besides that, he is giving himself a tough time at the eating table. He loathes it now, practically. Especially once I put him on high chair, he starts to throw tantrums after awhile. The food wasn't as appealing I guess but I would wanna give him the best of the grains so that he is healthy and very supplied. It isn't easy to be a parent and a parent that is managing a baby who is not keen on eating huh?

Watch BB Seth at his tantrums throwing here
I would hope that he gets better with his eating routine and by coming Saturday, when I go to work, Olive Tree can manage. Gosh!! Talking about work, I have to be away from Seth for 6-7hours!!! HOW TO TAHAN? I will miss him so bad. Though the job is part time and only once a week but the thought of not seeing BB Seth for that long stretch of hours is suicidal. *sob sob*
"God, please let me take only 3 classes instead of 4!! AMEN!"Technorati Tags: BlessedSeth, Mommy rants