Ok, some may think that my Olive Tree is a down-to-earth, Mr Good Man, more action less talk type. Indeed he is. He isn't a conversationalist, not witty and soft spoken but he is a wonderful husband to me.
Some of the sweet things that I recalled he has done for me:
1. Pick me up and send me back home during Poly days without fail, rain or shine.
2. Special cards/handicrafts made for me (So many that I have stored some away in boxes already)
3. After marriage, he still does the sweet little things for me when we were in courtship.
4. He make sure my water bottle are filled when we go out.
5. He emptied my little dustbin when it's so full on the vanity, everytime!!
6. He makes the bed.
7. Hold my hands to sleep.
8. Massage for me, at times.
9. Say I am beautiful.
10.Most important of all, he's supportive towards me in everything I do, esp. when I give birth to BB Seth.
Too many that is in the mind but I deeply appreciate the things that he does for me, be it small or big.
Sometimes, we do grumble about each other (I grumble more). Sometimes, he raises voice at me for being so snappy. End of the day, we never hold any grudges as we know, we have the Lord shining in our Marriage, that's never fail.
I love you, Olive Tree.
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