It was 2 hrs plus of torturing time for me this afternoon as I went for facial. Recalling, I've not been doing facial for 1.5 years already! The whole of facial sequence is enjoyable except for the pimples/white heads/black heads extraction! I really can't tahan the pain man! However, isn't it so irony that I can take the contractions and giving birth process. Of course, it's Jesus's in me la!
I managed to help Derick to do the conversion of DVD Karaoke Song to Audio format only and burnt it in Audio CD in less than 2 hrs. I felt so accomplished! Thanks to the freeware of mactheripper and also VLC (Pray that VLC continues to develop and not be banned!). Guess getting a mac never have it's con, especially when it comes to useful softwares that are free for use and able to get things done in the shortest time frame.
Technorati Tags: mighty champion, techie mommy