Anyhow, after all the chores were done, mom was enthusiastically assembling the saucer. I walked out from bedroom and told her bluntly,
"Don't assemble the saucer yet. Edward will do it. He said don't let ah boy sit in the saucer as he wants to clean it."
Immediately, mom snapped! She said we are so particular. The saucer is cleaned by my eldest brother already and she cleaned it again with cloth this morning. Then the seat was washed and clean too. Suddenly, she said,
"I am not going to babysit your ah boy for you liao! you ask your mother-in-law to babysit him! You people are just so particular and picky!"
The scolding goes on and on....URRRGHHH!
I shut my mind and tell myself. WWJD? Calm calm....I went to prepare the bath for BB Seth and bathed him. After that, I went to living room only to realize that my mom had cried! Tell you, my heart breaks sia! Seeing her so, I kept my mouth shut. Thank God that noon came, mom is ok already and was playing happily with BB Seth. After i ate my lunch, I took a pail of dettol water and clean the saucer and assembled the seat. Since mom wanted BB Seth to sit, I just please her lor.
Since can make mom happy and get BB Seth occupied for awhile, I gladly do the job of cleaning the saucer. Didn't let Olive Tree know about the matter as don't want him to feel bad. Having said all, I have to be really careful how I phrase my sentences, in teochew, next time when I talk to my mom. She is getting so sensitive these days. But end of the day, I think she still loves us lots. Now, as a mother, I can fully comprehend that love can be so unreasonable, unconditional. I can imagine how wonderful Daddy God loves us and it's to the infinity.
Excerpt from What makes a good dad? By Max Lucado
Dear God,
Thanks for giving me a daddy. You knew just what I’d need! In case you need to make daddies for other kids, I thought you might like to know what I like best about the one you sent me:
A good dad ...
1. knows everything (like how to tie shoes and drive a car)
2. is really smart (he even knows where the wind goes after it blows through the trees)
3. has a forgiving heart (for when I mess up)
4. is loaded with patience, patience, patience (he probably won’t need it, but just in case...)
5. has a comfy lap and a big laugh (you understand about that, don’t you?)
6. tells me all about you and your son.
Your friend,
A Kid
P.S. I almost left out the best part! A good dad has real strong arms (to catch me when I fall. He says you’re just like that, too.)
Technorati Tags: blessedseth, mommy's tot