Sometime back, I've brought BB Seth for a contest, it's called Cutest Kid Contest organised by KZ Talent. Today, is the date that the October 2005 Cutest Kid Photo Contest starts to receive votes from participants' friends and relatives.
Bet I am excited. I received the email from the organiser and quickly sent out invitations to my friends and siblings to ask them to vote for BB Seth. Hee.... Kancheong Mommy.
Chloe once told me, "Every parents will think that their kid is the cutest baby on earth!"

Totally agree with that! Whichever looks your darling baby gives you, even grouchy, you will think he's a charmer... That's very true for me. I believe Olive Tree feels that way too. Every time, he sees his prince, he will says,"Handsome boy!"
Over the Saturday, My god daughter, Jeral, had a graduation ceremony cum performance at her Kindi school. She was the mandarin emcee. Mom said that Jeral performed so well! Being brought up in States, and came back with limited exposure of mandarin speaking environment, she definitely have done well! I am so proud of her! Too bad I could not go for the performance as I have to teach at BJG.
Can't wait to see her performance captured on video tonight when Olive Tree and Bro&Marg come back for dinner.
BB Seth starts to have lots of interactive time with us. Especially now, when he can flip over by himself. He is able to reach out to you when you pass him a toy. I loves to see his developmental growth. He enjoys the flash cards activities that I do with him. He's very observant towards his surroundings. That's probably explain the grouchy behavior he was in when we were at his grandparent's place last night. He feels not "home". Coming to 5 months, he starts to recognise the people and may have separation anxiety when he isn't with us. So, it's better to get him used to being carried by strangers or family members that he hardly meets so that we won't have that problem.
Today, my darling boy, he dozed off by himself on bed when he was at his usual prone position. He slept straight for 2 hours! Hope tonight he'll sleep later so that he doesn't wake up in the middle of the night so often....
Bet I am excited. I received the email from the organiser and quickly sent out invitations to my friends and siblings to ask them to vote for BB Seth. Hee.... Kancheong Mommy.
Chloe once told me, "Every parents will think that their kid is the cutest baby on earth!"
Totally agree with that! Whichever looks your darling baby gives you, even grouchy, you will think he's a charmer... That's very true for me. I believe Olive Tree feels that way too. Every time, he sees his prince, he will says,"Handsome boy!"
Over the Saturday, My god daughter, Jeral, had a graduation ceremony cum performance at her Kindi school. She was the mandarin emcee. Mom said that Jeral performed so well! Being brought up in States, and came back with limited exposure of mandarin speaking environment, she definitely have done well! I am so proud of her! Too bad I could not go for the performance as I have to teach at BJG.
Can't wait to see her performance captured on video tonight when Olive Tree and Bro&Marg come back for dinner.
Today, my darling boy, he dozed off by himself on bed when he was at his usual prone position. He slept straight for 2 hours! Hope tonight he'll sleep later so that he doesn't wake up in the middle of the night so often....
Technorati Tags: blessedseth, mommy's tot