Was watching Child of Our Time, a surge of emotions ran up my mine. This episode, it showed this little boy was born via C-section. His mom had complications while trying out home birth and was rushed to hospital for emergency C-section. But a minute after he was out from his mommy's womb, he turned all blue and stopped breathing when his mommy was cuddling him. All the medics personnel quickly resuscitated the little baby and after some effort, the baby boy was revived.
The scene really cause me to teared. Heart breaking. Then I realized, when one become a mommy, it is so easily that one will shed tears and become so emotions when seeing all this misfortunes happen to children and babies, be it in real life or shown in television. What I was feeling then, a heartfelt thank you to our Lord Jesus for protecting our little BB Seth and me for all his protection during my pregnancy and birth. Giving us a supernatural childbirth experience and also the strength to overcome the daily events. Jesus never forsake us but is continually with us, showing us His unconditional love and grace. I am appreciative of the time I have with BB Seth, which even Olive Tree doesn't get to enjoy. Though BB Seth has made me "mad" sometimes, but his sweet laughters and smiles always get my
heart melted. How can I be angry at him with such angelic face?
Parenting, a depth of learning to absorb.
Parenting, I'll do it the Bible way.
The show is very educational and interesting. Looking into the lives of many babies brought up in different environments, families, and to see how they will turn out in terms of characters and personalities when they are adults. A must catch series for Thursday.
The scene really cause me to teared. Heart breaking. Then I realized, when one become a mommy, it is so easily that one will shed tears and become so emotions when seeing all this misfortunes happen to children and babies, be it in real life or shown in television. What I was feeling then, a heartfelt thank you to our Lord Jesus for protecting our little BB Seth and me for all his protection during my pregnancy and birth. Giving us a supernatural childbirth experience and also the strength to overcome the daily events. Jesus never forsake us but is continually with us, showing us His unconditional love and grace. I am appreciative of the time I have with BB Seth, which even Olive Tree doesn't get to enjoy. Though BB Seth has made me "mad" sometimes, but his sweet laughters and smiles always get my
heart melted. How can I be angry at him with such angelic face?
Parenting, a depth of learning to absorb.
Parenting, I'll do it the Bible way.
The show is very educational and interesting. Looking into the lives of many babies brought up in different environments, families, and to see how they will turn out in terms of characters and personalities when they are adults. A must catch series for Thursday.
Picture of the Day
BB Seth mood: solemn
Technorati Tags: blessedseth, mommy's tot