This is the day that Olive Tree predicts that Darling Seth will be due for delivery. Probably I have been hoping all along that our blessed baby will intend to come out today, making everyone exhilarated to see him. Guess, again, I should have leave all to the Lord's timing, really, and not to stress myself over the day that Darling Seth intends to meet us.
Actually, was a bit touchy today. I have rejected all calls to my mobile phone, refuses to reply to smss, and took my usual nap in the morning. All I was telling myself, Rest in the Lord, and He shall make all things turn out for the good of us. No point worrying about the Due Day. I believe Jesus is preparing me to get ready for labour, and also experience a Supernatural Childbirth, I cannot use my self-effort to always hoping to make Seth be born soon. I know the Lord understands my heart's desires but HE has His timing also to make sure we enjoy the best moment of holding darling Seth in our arms.
We had chosen the Chinese name for Seth 9 months ago. However, yesterday, mom got to know about the Chinese name, she said "DISAPPROVED". As the last chinese character is the same as my Dad. ("<). End up, I went home to find other character to replace the previous chosen one.
So shortlisted 2 names:

Dad, selected no. 2, as he said, man should have a venturing spirit. However, I know Olive Tree would like no. 1, as he wanted Seth's name to have a meaning of " Righteousness and Glory". Still have time to decide.
Olive Tree emailed me to say sorry because he didn't pick up my call when I called him this morning. Probably I overreacted, but hiaz, should know why la. I just don't want to disappoint him, if Seth is not due for delivery today. This is what he emailed me, it's the 1st TIME ok!! So Sweet and makes me smile instantly. (",)
This is what he wrote:

How Blessed am I !!
Actually, was a bit touchy today. I have rejected all calls to my mobile phone, refuses to reply to smss, and took my usual nap in the morning. All I was telling myself, Rest in the Lord, and He shall make all things turn out for the good of us. No point worrying about the Due Day. I believe Jesus is preparing me to get ready for labour, and also experience a Supernatural Childbirth, I cannot use my self-effort to always hoping to make Seth be born soon. I know the Lord understands my heart's desires but HE has His timing also to make sure we enjoy the best moment of holding darling Seth in our arms.
We had chosen the Chinese name for Seth 9 months ago. However, yesterday, mom got to know about the Chinese name, she said "DISAPPROVED". As the last chinese character is the same as my Dad. ("<). End up, I went home to find other character to replace the previous chosen one.
So shortlisted 2 names:
Dad, selected no. 2, as he said, man should have a venturing spirit. However, I know Olive Tree would like no. 1, as he wanted Seth's name to have a meaning of " Righteousness and Glory". Still have time to decide.
Olive Tree emailed me to say sorry because he didn't pick up my call when I called him this morning. Probably I overreacted, but hiaz, should know why la. I just don't want to disappoint him, if Seth is not due for delivery today. This is what he emailed me, it's the 1st TIME ok!! So Sweet and makes me smile instantly. (",)
This is what he wrote:
How Blessed am I !!