Seth was really in his very first flow of tantrums throwing today. He wakes up at 8am and Olive Tree brought him to my mom's while I stayed home to do my work. On the way, Olive Tree called me and told me that Seth refused to go to my mom's and started to whine and cried from CTE exit Ave 5 till they reached my mom's place. Even my mom called me and commented that Seth was in his moods and disallow her to close the main door but to leave it open as if to expect us to pick him up. ("o) We have no idea why such behavior of him. So I said I will try to come over once I manage to complete my work. However, he went through the day ok and by the time I finished my work from home, it was already 3plus. I went to meet AM for tea and my lunch at amk hub. Reaching my mom's around 6pm. Seth was ok. However, during dinner time, he was super sticky to Olive Tree. Refused to get down and wanted to sit on his lap while Olive Tree ate dinner. So his tantrums throwing starts from t...