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Showing posts from April, 2008

Show Your True Color!

Was reading Amber's blog and found this interesting test. What's Your True Color? My Result: Yellow You're yellow , the color of joy and energy — two things you definitely bring to everyone around you. It's hard for anyone to be sad or lonely in your presence; your sunny disposition and cheery outlook just won't allow it. The warmth of your personality shines through in the kindness you show friends and family (and strangers, too). Always ready with a lighthearted joke or heartfelt compliment, you know how to make people feel good about themselves, so they can't get enough of you. Yellow is a warm and inviting color for a warm and inviting person — you! What are you?

Doggy Poo

Seth's into this Korean Anime Craze now. He was so into Pororo for the past 2 weeks. Then last Thursday, he has a new fav, Doggy Poo . The Anime is quite a meaningful one and Seth enjoys watching it, he names the characters, he asked about the story line. The funny part of it is hearing him say, "Doggy Poo" with such a cuteness. The story tells the little ones and even us, adults, God has a good plan for all of us, no matter how insignificant we may think our lives are. Image courtesy from Wikipedia Tomorrow we are sending Seth for his review. Hope his lungs are cleared and the medication feeding days are over. It's really a great struggle to feed the little guy his Antibiotics. Even now, he can goes on and on repeating the word, "Anti-biotices". Compose a tune about it! Aiyo. :(


Road to always not easy. On Monday, 31st March, whole of the family was down with the flu bug. We thought that the new PD and new medication will help to speed up the recovery of the kids. Grace on nebulizer has actually helped her in breathing better and less wheezing, just phlegmy. However, for Seth, he's condition turns for a worse on Wednesday night as he ran a temperature of 38 deg C! His fever were like roller coaster for the past few days and the highest it went were 39.6 deg C, on Wednesday afternoon. We had to rush him to KKH A&E. He was so traumatized by the previous experience when he was 1.8 years old. He was screaming and complaining to go back home and not stay in hospital. We had such a difficult time getting him to calm down and not scream. Seth was subjected to sponging, instead of cold shower which I refuse. He was administered with Paracetamol Suppository. Thereafter, a chest X-ray to determine the cause of the high fever. The result came out w...

Medical House

filled the kitchen top. Various medication to feed Seth and Grace. Sometimes, we can get a bit confuse and in a fluster, we nearly feed the wrong medication to the kids. HIAZ! That's really bad. Grace have been having the coughs almost every time she's asleep. I am so concern about her not having enough rest. Just last night, I was on guard waiting for her to wake up from the cough and give her a session of nebulizer. But then she slept till 4am, I did not dare to wake her seeing that sleep is so precious for her. When she cried herself from her sleep, her temperature was 38.8 deg C! Gosh! Immediately, I fed her iBrufen to bring down her temperature. Poor gal. Seth's getting ok. He is just having the phlegmy cough and also the phlegm that flowed back to his ear that needing him to take antibiotics to prevent any infections. Tomorrow will be work day and gonna be busy as our helper will be flying in from Philippines, so will pick her up from the airport tomorrow evening. So...